Angelina Jolie has been identified as the Jane Doe who sued the FBI...
Angelina Jolie sued the FBI to find out why Brad Pitt wasn't arrested
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...asking why an investigation into her ex-husband, Brad Pitt, had been closed...

Angelina Jolie sued the FBI to find out why Brad Pitt wasn't arrested
Credit: WennCoverImages
Credit: Credit: WennCoverImages
...after allegations of physical and verbal abuse in 2016.

Angelina Jolie sued the FBI to find out why Brad Pitt wasn't arrested
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Credit: Credit: WennCoverImages
The lawsuit demanded that the bureau turn over documents related to an investigation into Pitt.

Angelina Jolie sued the FBI to find out why Brad Pitt wasn't arrested
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Credit: Credit: WennCoverImages
Jolie alleged that he "physically and verbally assaulted" her and their children on a private plane.

Angelina Jolie sued the FBI to find out why Brad Pitt was not arrested
Credit: WennCoverImages
Credit: Credit: WennCoverImages
Among the allegations, that Pitt was drinking and took Jolie to the back of the plane and shook while screaming:

Angelina Jolie sued the FBI to find out why Brad Pitt wasn't arrested
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Credit: Credit: WennCoverImages
"You are destroying this family!"

Angelina Jolie sued the FBI to find out why Brad Pitt was not arrested
Credit: WennCoverImages
Credit: Credit: WennCoverImages
Later, during that same robbery, another physical altercation reportedly took place.

Angelina Jolie sued the FBI to find out why Brad Pitt wasn't arrested
Credit: WennCoverImages
Credit: Credit: WennCoverImages
Jolie claims she was injured; she reportedly gave the agent a photo of her elbow to try to corroborate this.

Angelina Jolie sued the FBI to find out why Brad Pitt wasn't arrested
Credit: WennCoverImages
Credit: Credit: WennCoverImages
"At another point, Jolie says Pitt poured beer on her," the documents read.