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Another trial for Alec Baldwin?

Auteur: mgarcia
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Another trial for Alec Baldwin?
Credit: Getty Images
Kari Morrissey, the New Mexico prosecutor in charge of the Alec Baldwin trial, has asked the judge to reconsider her decision to drop the criminal case against the actor. She argues that the reasons that led to the unexpected abandonment of the trial in July are not justified.

This request comes after Judge Mary Marlowe Sommer dismissed the trial with prejudice in July, following the discovery of evidence that had not been disclosed to the defense.

Judge Mary Marlowe Sommer’s decision in July was prompted by the revelation that evidence had been deliberately withheld from the defense, according to Baldwin’s lawyers.

This decision has major consequences, as it prohibits the filing of new charges against the actor, making it impossible to hold a new trial without new charges.

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For her part, the prosecutor has rejected any malicious intent and now asserts before the judge that the evidence withheld – ammunition turned over to the sheriff’s office last March, shortly after the trial of Hannah Gutierrez Reed, the Rust gunsmith currently sentenced to 18 months in prison for manslaughter in the death of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins, ended – had no connection with the ammunition used on set at the time of the incident.

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It should be recalled that Alec Baldwin had been charged with manslaughter following the death of Halyna Hutchins, when a revolver Baldwin was holding discharged during a rehearsal. Baldwin has since claimed that he did not pull the trigger, but simply pulled the hammer back, which would have triggered the shot.

During his trial this summer, the case came to an unexpected end when, during witness testimony, it was revealed that ammunition had been delivered to the New Mexico Sheriff’s Office by Troy Teske, a friend of Hannah Gutierrez Reed’s stepfather. The judge ultimately concluded that the prosecution had omitted crucial evidence and that it was impossible for the court to correct this error.

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The prosecutor hopes to convince the judge that the omission was unintentional.

Her co-prosecutor, who resigned after this surprising discovery during Baldwin’s trial, also shares this sentiment, claiming that it was not a deliberate act.

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