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Arrest warrant issued for Alexey Navalny’s widow
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A recent court ruling in Moscow has ordered the arrest in absentia of Yulia Navalnaya, the widow of Russian opposition leader Alexey Navalny. Russian court representative Kira Yarmysh confirmed the decision, reporting that the Basmannyy district court had charged Yulia Navalnaya with “participation in an extremist organization”.

Alexey Navalny,a well-known critic of Russian President Vladimir Putin, died on February 16 while imprisoned in a Siberian penitentiary. He had been convicted of creating and financing an extremist group while serving a cumulative 19-year sentence.

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Navalny’s death sparked national and international outrage, highlighting the dangers of opposing Putin’s regime, which has been in place for almost 25 years. His death came just weeks before the forthcoming Russian presidential elections, due to start on March 15. The international community regards these elections as mere formalities, while Putin’s fifth term was all but assured.

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Navalny’s return to Russia in 2021 marked the beginning of his final chapter. Navalny, who had been treated in Germany for poisoning by novichok, a Soviet-era neurotoxin, was arrested on arrival in Russia. Navalny had rejected the charges that led to his imprisonment, believing them to be politically motivated.

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Despite the threats, Navalny remained steadfast in his criticism of Putin.

In the aftermath of her husband’s death, Yulia Navalnaya had accused the Russian authorities and President Putin of being behind the tragedy.

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In an eight-minute video posted on her husband’s social account, Navalnaya accused Putin of killing the father of her children and taking away the person she loved most. She claimed that the Russian authorities were hiding her husband’s body in order to conceal the true cause of death.

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The Kremlin firmly rejects any allegation of involvement in Navalny’s death. Yulia Navalnaya is determined to pursue her husband’s vision for a better Russia.

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