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Donald Trump sued for the death of a man
The family of Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick, who died within hours of the January 6, 2021 Capitol assault, is suing Donald Trump and two rioters in civil court for $10M (US), blaming the former president for his untimely death.

On the second anniversary of the Jan. 6 assault, the former U.S. president’s name has come up alongside two rioters whom Sandra Garza, Officer Sicknick’s former spouse, accuses of precipitating his death. Officer Sicknick suffered two strokes in the hours following the brutal assault by Donald Trump supporters made during the rally planned by Trump himself on the day of the certification of the election results.

Recall that Donald Trump was then denying the election results (which he had lost to his rival Joe Biden) and asked his Vice President Mike Pence not to certify the election results that day.

The former president then ordered his supporters to march to the Capitol to show the elected officials the true choice of the American people, leading to chaotic riots that resulted in numerous injuries to Capitol Police officers who were trying to protect the elected officials gathered inside for the certification of the election results.

This civil lawsuit adds to the setbacks Donald Trump has accumulated since his presidency ended in 2020.

Meanwhile, Joe Biden commemorated the second anniversary of the sad events of the American Insurrection with a medal ceremony.

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