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Gwyneth Paltrow’s bizarre trial continues

It continues in Utah, as Gwyneth Paltrow’s bizarre trial continues, as she face a civil suit from a man who alleges he suffered serious injuries from a ski fall caused by the actress.

The man in question, Terry Sanderson, is asking for $300,000 in damages.

It was the turn of Gwyneth Paltrow’s two children, the famous Apple and Moses born from the union of the star with Chris Martin of Coldplay, to give their version of the facts, in the form of a written deposition, thus solidifying the defense of the actress and wellness magnate.

Between the two, it was her son Moses who had the most to say.

According to his testimony, he would have witnessed the accident firsthand, being just a little further away from his mother on the slope.

“I remember skiing with my instructor and briefly seeing the collision…” he states in his written statement, only to confirm Gwyneth’s version… that it was the man who ran into her instead of the other way around!

“I saw my mom and a person behind her…,” Moses continues.

Paltrow’s daughter, Apple, instead told her side of the story after the incident since she was not present at the time.

She was further down the hill.

Apple said in her statement that her mother was really disturbed by the event, hours after the collision.

Recall that the star is countersuing the man for a million dollars.

We continue to monitor the strange trial featuring Paltrow, a trial that some have even described as an episode of White Lotus on acid.

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