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Ironman dies in tragic accident
Brian Kozera, a Pennsylvania Ironman who was also a police officer in his hometown and a cancer survivor, died suddenly at the age of 44.

Kozera was hit head-on by a car while training for three events leading up to the big event in Hawaii this October.

TMZ Sports obtained information from the accident report, then Kozera allegedly ran a stop/stop, sending him head-on into the wheels of a pickup truck.

According to the documents, Brian ended up in the back wheels of the pickup truck. Authorities said the 44-year-old man was quickly transported to the hospital, where he was pronounced dead from injuries.

Note that in 2014, Kozera was diagnosed with a rare cancer (Hodgkin’s lymphoma), and then knocked out this one in 2015, which actually pushed him to become an Ironman athlete.

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