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It happened on a… March 16

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It happened on a… March 16


Global infections and deaths from COVID-19 overtake those in China for the 1st time, 86,000 vs 80,860 infections, 3,241 vs 3,208 deaths according to John Hopkins Uni.


Montreal Canadien’s 1st game in their new arena (Bell Center).


Chemical attack on Kurdish town of Halabja by Iraqi forces kills 5000 civilians – largest ever chemical weapons attack.


Maurice ‘Rocket’ Richard of the Montreal Canadiens suspended by NHL President Clarence Campbell (l905-); triggers riot next day at Montreal Forum.


Adolf Hitler ordered a German rearmament and violated the Versailles Treaty.


The Wanderers F.C. won the first FA Cup, the oldest football competition in the world, beating Royal Engineers A.F.C. 1-0 at The Oval in Kennington, London.


Jesuit priests Jean de Brébeuf 1593-1649 is tortured by Iroquois invaders at St-Louis; Brébeuf dies at 4 pm, his body burned. He was canonized in 1930.

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