Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle claim they were chased by reckless paparazzi in New York City earlier this week. However, it seems that the royal couple has instead changed the facts…
According to the couple, they endured the ordeal of a “near catastrophic” two-hour chase with paparazzi following them in cars and motorcycles the whole way.
‘Shaken’ Meghan Markle, Prince Harry involved in ‘near-fatal’ paparazzi chase in NYC https://t.co/TQPXnlYUL6 pic.twitter.com/PGoPnf2xxP
— New York Post (@nypost) May 18, 2023
NYPD officer calls Prince Harry and Meghan Markle account of paparazzi chase “bogus” https://t.co/ssSa8YmeQh
— TheWrap (@TheWrap) May 17, 2023
Thirdly, the cab driver in which the couple was sitting confided that he got out of his car at a certain point because he was caught in a traffic jam…
So why this staging of the prince and the ex-actress? Maybe they wanted to spice up a sequel to their Netflix series. We’ll find out soon enough.