Katy Perry has harsh words for her ex... in private!
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If Katy Perry tries at all costs to keep quiet about the allegations made against her ex-husband, Russell Brand, it would be the opposite in private as she called Brand a monster at least once, according to sources.
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Perry, who absolutely do not want to find herself in the middle of the scandal surrounding Brand...
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...and the serious allegations of assault made against him, does not seem to have fond memories of her marriage to Brand.
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Katy Perry has opened up very little since her divorce in 2012, but during an interview for Vogue magazine in 2013, the singer spoke about Brand's very controlling behavior.
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"I felt a lot of responsibility for it ending, but then I found out the real truth. I keep it locked in my safe for a rainy day" she said at the time. To this day, it's impossible to know what the singer really meant by these words.
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Russell Brand is the target of very serious assault and rape allegations as four women have publicly accused Russell Brand of controlling and abusive behavior, in events that allegedly occurred between 2006 and 2013.
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Brand, meanwhile, accuses the media of inventing these accusations because he was using his voice against them and Big Pharma in all sorts of conspiracy theories.
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Many of course wonder if Katy Perry knew about Brand's behavior since she was married to him from 2010 to 2012!
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An investigation is still underway to verify the allegations against Brand.