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Selena Gomez: “I can’t carry my own children”
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In an interview with Vanity Fair, Selena Gomez recently opened up about a subject that unfortunately affects many women.

She spoke about the challenges of her serious health problems and revealed that it was impossible for her to have children naturally.

The 32-year-old actress and singer, having faced several medical challenges, had to accept the idea of not being able to have children naturally after a lupus diagnosis in 2013 and a kidney transplant in 2017.

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Gomez made a touching revelation when she emphasized the seriousness of her health condition, saying that she’s never said it until now, but that unfortunately, she can’t be pregnant, as her health problems would threaten her health and that of the baby.

The star’s revelations highlight not only her physical health problems, but also the emotional state she found herself in after this realization. She said she had been mourning her current situation for a long time.

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Gomez is happy, however, to be able to consider options such as adoption or surrogacy, both of which she sees as a real blessing. This acceptance of a change of perspective on motherhood has enabled her to see that there are still many possible routes to becoming a mother.

Selena Gomez, who has been in a relationship with music producer Benny Blanco since 2023, revealed that they have openly discussed their future, including the possibility of getting married and having children.

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However, she wants to take her time and develop her romantic relationship before making any bigger decisions.

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