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Trump flied in Jeffrey Epstein’s plane
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Recently, Donald Trump’s campaign traveled to Montana, Wyoming and Colorado using the plane that belonged to Jeffrey Epstein, the discredited financier convicted of serious sex crimes against underage girls, now deceased.

Trump encountered mechanical problems with his Trump Force One plane, forcing his campaign to seek an alternative for his recent travels.

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They turned to Private Jet Services Group, a supplier regularly used by Trump, who provided them with a Gulfstream G-550… social network users identified a link between the Gulfstream Jet’s serial number, N550GP, and Jeffrey Epstein, using information from the Federal Aviation Administration’s public registry.

Jeffrey Epstein reportedly last used this aircraft in 2019, when he was arrested on July 6, 2019 by the FBI at Teterboro Airport, New Jersey, on sex trafficking charges.

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It should be clarified that the Gulfstream G-550 is not Epstein’s infamous Lolita Express, which was allegedly used by Epstein to transport girls under 18 to various destinations and was at the center of Epstein’s sex-trafficking charges, but another of the infamous billionaire’s personal aircraft.

Following these revelations, a campaign official indicated that Trump’s team was unaware that Epstein was the plane’s former owner and only learned of his past after being contacted by journalists for comment.

The plane has since reportedly changed ownership twice.

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Let’s not forget that this coincidence once again revives memories of the visibly close past ties between Epstein and Trump, in any case certainly closer than the former president is willing to admit.

Trump had even praised Epstein in the past, calling him a “great guy”, as they lived close to each other in Florida.

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According to the Washington Post, the two frequented the same parties in Mar-a-Lago and Manhattan, before a dispute over a Palm Beach property cooled their relationship.

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