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Will Jack Nicholson die alone and reclusive?
Will Jack Nicholson die alone and in total reclusion?

That’s what a long-time friend of the actor fears, reports Page Six.

The legendary 85-year-old actor has not been seen in public for several months, and is said to be living in seclusion in his gigantic mansion in Beverly Hills, formerly owned by Marlon Brando.

Nicholson, who was regularly seen attending basketball games in Los Angeles, has not been seen there since October 2021, when he attended a Lakers game.

The situation is so serious according to several sources that Nicholson “didn’t want to face reality anymore” which would suggest the beginning of dementia.


According to Radar Online, those close to Jack “just wish he would get out of the house and tell them how […] or at least reassure people that he’s okay.”

Still, the same source reportedly said that the actor would be in touch with a few relatives including his son Ray, but that “his socializing days are long gone!”


The concerns of his loved ones began in 2021 when one of them claimed at the time that “physically he (Jack) was fine […] but his spirit was gone!”.

Jack Nicholson is considered the best actor in history by many critics and moviegoers.

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