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Yes, it was a record year for heat and extreme weather events
Scientists and political decision-makers are constantly alarmed by the rapid warming of the Earth.

Unfortunately, the data are becoming more striking with each passing month…

A series of extreme and unprecedented weather conditions were punctuated by intense heat records across the globe in 2023. The rapid and sudden intensification of numerous hurricanes and typhoons took the scientific community particularly by surprise.

This demonstrates a worrying trend… that storms are gaining in strength more rapidly as a result of climate change.

Incidents of heat and drought are just a few examples of the unusually high temperatures experienced by the planet in 2023.

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In fact, the summer of 2023 was the hottest ever recorded on Earth.

The El Niño phenomenon greatly intensified the warming trend in 2023, adding to particularly high solar activity on top of global warming.

Temperature records were even broken for five consecutive months.

The symbolic 1.5°C mark set in the Paris Agreement was exceeded in September… and global temperatures rose by more than 2°C compared with the pre-industrial era!

October was no exception… it was the hottest month on record.

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Uncontrollable fires raged in several countries, including Canada and Greece, exacerbated by long periods of intense heat and drought. The situation was particularly devastating in Canada, where an estimated 5% of forests were destroyed by wildfires, which released huge clouds of smoke into the atmosphere and spread to the United States… and even Europe.

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