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Zuckerberg will testify in lawsuit against Meta (lead by Sarah Silverman, among others)
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Mark Zuckerberg is to be heard in a major lawsuit concerning artificial intelligence and copyright, brought by several authors, including comedian Sarah Silverman.

On September 25, a judge rejected the defense’s request to prevent the deposition of Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg, pointing out that he would have played a central role in the company’s decisions regarding its artificial intelligence technology.

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Sarah Silverman, along with two other authors, Chris Golden and Richard Kadrey, filed a lawsuit in July 2023 against OpenAI and Meta, accusing them of copyright infringement.

In particular, the authors claim that these companies have illegally copied their books and used them to train AI systems without their consent, attribution or compensation.

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In his decision, the judge states that the evidence presented by the plaintiff, including an article published in the New York Times, suggests that Zuckerberg would have directly and intensively supervised the development of artificial intelligence at Meta.

This evidence is deemed sufficient to warrant a court hearing.

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This artificial intelligence dispute deserves particular attention, as the development and use of this technology has grown explosively in recent years, raising important ethical questions.

Notably, recently, a voice strongly resembling Scarlett Johansson’s was used without her consent for an OpenAI voice feature, which the latter vigorously denounced.

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