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It happened on a… December 7

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It happened on a… December 7


Bob Dylan sells his entire songwriting catalog of more than 600 songs to the Universal Music Publishing Group for over $300 million


Naples’ pizza spinning given UNESCO intangible heritage status along with Germany’s organ music, Kyrgystan’s Kok boru and India’s Kumbh festival.


The Conservative Party of Canada is officially recognized after the merger of the Canadian Alliance and Progressive Conservative Party of Canada.


Palestine Liberation Organization delegation lead by Yasser Arafat proclaims the State of Palestine, recognizing the existence of the State of Israel for the first time.


President Jean-Claude Duvalier flees Haiti.


“Star Trek: The Motion Picture” first movie of the series premieres directed by Robert Wise, starring William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy.


Apollo 17 launched, the final manned lunar landing mission.


Jean Béliveau appointed Captain of the NHL Canadiens.


Imperial Japanese Navy with 353 planes attack the US fleet at Pearl Harbor Naval Base, Hawaii, killing 2,403 people.

Canada the first of the Western allies to declare war on Japan, Finland, Hungary, and Rumania; shortly after Japanese bomb US base at Pearl Harbour, Hawaii. US, Britain and other allied countries follow the next day.


Swimmer Johnny Weissmuller set a world record in the 150-yard freestyle with a time of 1 minute, 25 and 2/5 seconds. He went on to play “Tarzan” in several movies.


Delaware became the first state to ratify the U.S. constitution becoming the first of the United States.


Benediction and opening of the Quebec Seminary.

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