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It happened on a… May 11

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It happened on a… May 11
Credit: Wikipedia


Record price for a work of art at auction: Picasso’s The Women of Algiers (Version ‘O’) sells for US$179.3 million at Christies in New York.


A French mint produced the first coins of Europe’s single currency. The coin is known as the euro.


Garry Kasparov, world chess champion, lost his first ever multi-game match. He lost to IBM’s chess computer Deep Blue. It was the first time a computer had beaten a world-champion player.


Andrew Lloyd Webber’s musical “Cats” (based on poetry by T. S. Eliot) directed by Trevor Nunn first premieres in the West End, London.


Mercedes-Benz is formed by Gottlieb Daimler and Karl Benz merging their two companies.


Founding of the Canadian commercial exchange; forerunner of the Montreal Stock Exchange.


“The Diamond Sutra”, the world’s oldest surviving and dated printed book is printed in Chinese and made into a scroll.

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