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NFL player saves man from fire!

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NFL player saves man from fire!

Minnesota Vikings wide receiver K.J. Osborn is now a hero, even if he doesn’t wear a cape. To achieve this status, the 25-year-old, with the help of three others, saved a man from a burning vehicle following an accident!

Osborn was in the right place at the right time.

Osborn opened up about it to “The Adam Schefter Podcast” on Monday, and that’s when we learned that this terrifying incident happened when he was returning from a training session in Austin, Texas, in an Uber.

So with the help of the driver and two other individuals near the accident, he came to the rescue, without hesitation, of the individual who was helpless in the flames.

According to Osborn, if the group (including this one) that responded had not rescued the man, who suffered only minor injuries, he would have died in the flames.

In short, it is not at all surprising to learn that K.J. Osborn played a superhero role since he is recognized as an exemplary person and an extraordinary teammate by his peers.

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