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Texas ravaged by record wildfires
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The Texas Panhandle is the epicenter of a series of fast-moving wildfires. These fires have prompted a strong response, triggering record destruction and community evacuations. Emergency services are working to cope with the scale of these fires across the state.

The fire spread over 1.1 million acres in what is being called a devastating and historic event, becoming the largest fire ever recorded in Texas. The West Odessa Volunteer Fire Department reports that the Hutchinson County fire is barely contained.

Greenville Firefighter Association Handout Anadolu via Getty Images
The Pantex plant is one of the facilities affected. It is the only nuclear assembly and disassembly facility in the United States, located near Amarillo. It was necessary to evacuate all non-essential personnel and suspend plant operations. However, it has been confirmed that no special materials were affected by the fires.

Greenville Firefighter Association Handout Anadolu via Getty Images
The ongoing disaster has claimed many victims.

The fires are spreading rapidly and the low humidity, combined with strong winds, is making the task difficult. The rapid increase in the number of fires has prompted federal agencies to reprioritize emergency services and attracted the attention of the White House.

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Texas authorities are urging residents to be vigilant and limit any activity that could start a fire.

They are also asking them to follow local evacuation instructions.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency, the U.S. Forest Service and the National Interagency Fire Center are all contributing to this crisis. However, the full extent of the damage will only be known once the fires have subsided.

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